Karen Williams

Karen Williams has been a member of the Emerald City since 1987. She has held numerous positions including president, newsletter editor social chair and vice president. Karen has also been involved with Esprit since its inception in 1990. She has also been involved in transgender class panels at the University of Washington, Highline Community College and Peninsula College since 1992. She lives with her wife in Kirkland, Washington and moves back and forth between her male role and female role as necessary.

Karen presents:

Wednesday May 14 3:30PM: Blue Monday

All good things come to an end, even Esprit. After living our dreams for a week, first timers often find "the end" stunningly traumatic. We return to our homes, jobs, loved ones, and closets with a heavy heart, tears, sometimes deep depression. Karen shows first timers (and others) how to duck the worst traumas by treating ourselves well afterwards, staying in contact with friends we meet at Esprit, planning treats to look forward to, and applying bunches of additional ideas gathered over the years from sisters facing their own blue Mondays.